Artworks – No You’re Hallucinating

Artists Meighen and Sabin Speiser are set to captivate with their new Burningman art project, “No, YOU’RE Hallucinating.” Known for works like “Temple of Narcissus” (2015) and “Intercourse” (2012), they invite us to explore a blend of technology, art, and community.

The Installation: A Technological Beacon

This 15-foot-tall hyperboloid tower, made of intersecting bamboo poles, features a scrolling LED display. The display shows AI-generated text in response to participants’ questions.

Interactive Experience: The Unreliable Oracle

Visitors ask questions into a microphone. Using voice recognition, the AI responds, displaying its answer on the LED screen.

Themes and Intentions: Embracing Absurdity

Embracing Dadaism, the piece reflects on the absurdity and humor of AI. It questions technology’s reliability and explores the nature of consciousness.

Community: Sharing the Journey and the Joke

The installation fosters community, inviting participants to interact and share in the experience. It combines ecopunk materials with AI technology, creating a space for laughter and reflection.

Join the Journey: A Call for Support

The Speisers seek support to bring this ambitious project to life. Contribute to ensure “No, YOU’RE Hallucinating” becomes a landmark of Burning Man 2024.

As the LED lights blaze on the bamboo tower, “No, YOU’RE Hallucinating” promises to be a beacon of absurdity, an oracle of comedy, and a touchstone of community.

Please support with our GoFundme